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With Apple Watch Series 4 Arriving Soon, Old Apple Watch Series 3 Sees Big $300 Discount

The new Apple Watch 4 (Series 4) is due to be announced next week which means it may go on sale in the next few months.  

What does this mean?  It means big discounts for their previous Apple Watch Series 3 models.  By big, we mean $300.  

Where can you get the Apple Watch Series 3?

You can find the smartwatch for sale at Best Buy.  The discount only applies to the Series 3 LTE models.  If you don't have an Apple Watch, or have the older models, now may be the best time to upgrade to the Series 3.  

The $300 discount takes the Apple Watch price down to $449 (from $749) and down to $1049 (from $1349) for the more expensive ceramic models.

If you would prefer to get that new Series 4, the wait won't be much longer now.  We'll be getting more details about the new watch and any new products from Apple on their September 12th event and more information will be trickling out thereafter.


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With Apple Watch Series 4 Arriving Soon, Old Apple Watch Series 3 Sees